Andrea Kelly and Andrea Kalivodov
Andrea Kelly was born on the 23rd of March, 1973. Her birth year was 1973. She was married prior to Brian McKee, R. Kelly. R.Kelly was her previous spouse and introduced her to entertainment. Andrea Kelly was on Andrea Kelly's husband's list of auditions for a music video. The couple immediately appreciated him and she became an integral part of the team. Andrea Kelly was an American dancer, actress and choreographer. She played Andrea Kelly in the movie Surviving R. Kelly. Andrea Kelly is R. Kelly's former wife. She is music composer. She began her career as a back-up dancer for R. Kelly and gradually progressed through the ranks to become his main dancer and choreographer. Both of them were married in 1996 and subsequently split in 2009. Andrea Kelly is a 28-year old Chicago Illinois woman. There's not much details about the childhood of Andrea Kelly. Andrea Kalivodova was born on 24 November 1977. She's an Czech opera singer. Kalivodova is a mezzosoprano and ha...